Throughout the year the club runs a number of internal competitions where members can submit videos made, usually to a theme. On competition night, all entries are shown at the club and everyone present has the chance to vote for whichever one they think is the best. The winner is then announced at the end of the evening. This culminates in a grand final for best and runner-up for the year.

Winnick Cup

Open to any member.
Open theme. The film can be of any subject up to the maximum length of 15 minutes.

Balcombe Cup

Open theme. Any films you have made can be shown in this competition.

Fab Photo

Videos made up of stills of your family and friends, and videos of family and friends or family events, or any other subject. The video must be made up of stills.

Wynne Mood Trophy

Create an atmospheric film. For example, depicting the feeling of travelling on an old steam train, the atmosphere of a haunted house, a party, the atmosphere of a park you love, or the feeling of a holiday town.

Beighton Cup

Open competition. Anyone can enter any subject.

Brian Hall Trophy

A one-minute film on any subject. One-minute run time. No longer, no less. This includes titles and credits. 1 minute exactly from start to finish.

Record Trophy

Video set to your chosen piece of music. The video can last as long as your chosen record.

Trevor Weston Trophy

The theme for this year is, “ENVIRONMENT”. On-screen time of 30 seconds no more.

Vic Williams Trophy

Holiday film competition. Films of your holidays and travels.

Elf Shield

Editing competition using footage donated in advance to allow time to complete your film. The footage has not been edited, so you can edit it however you wish to tell a story you want it to tell.

Bob Lord Trophy

Competition for members to turn their Holidays or travel into a short documentary.

Take 2

Competition for films that have already been entered into a competition, but did not win, and have been re-edited/improved based on the feedback received.

Broussa Trophy

This Trophy goes to the winner of film of the year.
Any video that has been entered in an AVS competition this year is entitled to enter this competition.

Perkins Cup

Perkins Cup goes to the runner-up of the film of the year competition.

The Riddings Trophy

This Trophy is awarded third place for the film of the year.

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